
Please read this blog with care-its not inteneded to be triggering, but it does bluntly discuss issues surrounding Eating Disorders and Self Injury.

Not another Ed blog

This is a blog about the consequences of eating disorders; what might be waiting around the corner for you. Its inspiration for recovery;its a warning for anyone who thinks Ed's a re a life style choice, or a short term diet fix.

Truth be truth-an eating disorder might help you fit into that bikini-but they ARE NOT to be trivialised.

They are rarely just about weight. There are underlying psychological reasons for eating disorders.

They are not a game.

They are a serious illness.

You might think your in control-lets check that shall we?
can you eat whatever you want?how do you feel?weighed yourself?are you socialising?are you really in control?

Because your ED might feel like a lifeline, it might feel like a friend. But friends dont try to kill you.