
Please read this blog with care-its not inteneded to be triggering, but it does bluntly discuss issues surrounding Eating Disorders and Self Injury.

Friday, 6 August 2010

answer to question-knuckle damage

Hey, firstly, dont worry about the annonymous thing, thats totally fine. secondly, of course i will answer (or try to) your question-

'Every time I'm with other people I feel as though they can just take one look at my knuckles and spot I purged that day, but I can't seem to find any effect method to make that marks and cuts less noticeable?'

firstly the usual 'dont sue me im trying to help disclaimer'.
I think this effects people to differing degrees.  For some people, it the thing that gives the game away, for want of a better phrase, and for others, its not noticeable. Ive been purging for about 13 years now-im trying to recover and ive cut down significantly now, but i know it takes a long time to change these behaviours. I personally have never really seen much damage to my knuckles-maybe its the way i purge-avoid my teeth like the plague-or maybe im just really lucky. they do get sore-i guess from all the acid, and i get this weird acid burn at the corners of my mouth sometimes which really hurts. in terns of treating it-try savlon when they feel raw, and lots of moisturiser?Bio oil is my favourite thing in the world-itl prob feel a bit greasy on yor knuckles but it does smooth the skin out, or try some sort of coca buttert hick moisturiser. im sorry, this is a cak answer, and im going to ask some other people what they think for you. has anyone ever noticed them? because you know that they are there, so you feel more self concious of it-and maybe they arnt that noticeable.just a thought. i have terrible paranoia that people know ive purged, abd actually, they rarely do.  ok, the other thing im thinking is the way you are purging. PLEASE PLEASE dont think im encouraging things here, im not, im trying to think of ways to minimise harm to yourself. i know its hard to stop purging. Does it take a lot of force, or is it a struggle to make yourself sick?because maybe its the desperation of it thats making you catch your knuckles on your teeth, if you see where im going with this. try drinking a moderate amount of water-it helps things come up easier, and please take not of the previous post anout replacing lost electrolytes through purging..
im sorry, i know this isnt the most helpful thing. il try and come up with a better answer for you.

take care xxx


Anonymous said...

I have been bulimic for 5 years or so but after the first year, my purging became involuntary. After every meal, it doesn't even have to be a big meal, it could be a single cookie, the food comes back up without me needing to force it. I don't believe it's acid reflux, it doesn't happen hours later, more like a minute or two. Have you heard of anyone else with this? Do you know what it is?

Anonymous said...

Thanks! I will try your ideas. No one has ever noticed, I'm just really paranoid about it I guess. It fairly easy for me to purge so I don't why they get so cracked. Another question, I'm cold all the time, but I constantly sweat. It's actually really gross and embarrassing, even the winter. Do you think this could be ed related?

Annie :D said...

I have a you know much about hypermetabolism? Is it common for people with EDs to get it during re-feeding?