
Please read this blog with care-its not inteneded to be triggering, but it does bluntly discuss issues surrounding Eating Disorders and Self Injury.

Wednesday, 30 June 2010

look after your teeth...

My dentist told me that rinsing your mouth out with a tiny bit of bicarb of soda, mixed into a cup of water will help neutralise the acid in your mouth from purging. And dont brush your teeth straight away after, because you will just brush the acid into your teeth.

If purging is a problem, think about getting your teeth sealed.

Dentists are also really good at spotting bulimia-the damage it does to your teeth had quite a specific pattern.

take care xxxx

1 comment:

throughraindrops said...

nhs dentists cant be good at spotting about a year of purging at least daily and not a dentist, 2 orthodontists , a dental restorative speacialist or numerous dental nurses have noticed anything with my teeth

i really like this blog good info you dont find else where you only know by experiance useful for people who think and eating disorder is a good idea