
Please read this blog with care-its not inteneded to be triggering, but it does bluntly discuss issues surrounding Eating Disorders and Self Injury.

Wednesday, 30 June 2010

Something you ought to know about laxatives

They dont help you lose weight.period.

Yes, you might drop a little-but its water you are losing, not actual 'weight'. And taking them habitually will lead to water retention-making you feel you have put on weight, when you really havent.its a really bad cycle to get into.

Excessive use of laxatives will lead to bowel damage, and some pretty permement constipation. Rumour had it Elvis Presley killed himself due to chromic constipation. Cant be nice, eh?

From personal experience-this was a HARD habit to break. It was horrible at forst, i felt bloated, and i did put on some weight. But it all evened out-laxatives just make your weight fluctuate anyway-and it was worth it in the long run. Short term pain for long term gain. Thats your key here.

take care

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