
Please read this blog with care-its not inteneded to be triggering, but it does bluntly discuss issues surrounding Eating Disorders and Self Injury.

Friday, 9 July 2010

More glamourous stuff

 Someone left this as a comment on the previous post about purging-and it was really helpful, so thought i should make it its own post-so here it is-

"kind of related to blocking up your sinuses through purging is this: if you've got facial piercings, particularly nose and especially lip piercings, ever noticed that disgusting smell when you touch them/unscrew them? guess what that is. none other than acidy vomity bacteria. which can lead to horrible infections.

it clears up after a while, providing you haven't purged in a while, but i've found the best thing is to make sure you're keeping your piercings clean with savlon or some antibacterial spray, plus, washing them in salt water to keep them clean. and that will hopefully minimise the vomity smell and taste in your mouth/nose."

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