
Please read this blog with care-its not inteneded to be triggering, but it does bluntly discuss issues surrounding Eating Disorders and Self Injury.

Thursday, 1 July 2010

How to have a really bad day and still be alive at the end of it...

Go for a really long walk. Doeesnt matter if its raining-MOVE!
Listen to some tubthumping music
Have a little cry-but have a structured activity in mind to help you afterwards.Easier said than done, I know-but try.
Draw, paint, create-whatever floats your boat.
write a blog, write a diary-get it out, it helps.
Call a good friend. Make the effort. Good friends will always be there for you no matter how long its been.
Make a list of all the things that your ED stops you from doing. Then decide if you WANT to change. YOU can only change for yourself.
watch a film. Watch judge Judy or jeremy kyle-seriously, never fails to make me feel a little better! Likewise reading the news of the world!
Call your CPN/team and let them know things are feeling difficult.
Have a shower.
Tidy up
Dance like a lunatic. Actually, i think i do this anyway!
Read something that you really like. Sometimes the nbest books for comfort reading are ones you are familiar with-there is always comfort to be found in the familiar.Likewise music.
Write a letter to a friend.
Spend time with boyfriend/girlfriends, I am CONSTANTLY being told by CPN's that feeling close to your partner/sex/snuggling up is a really comforting thing to do. I'm yet to be convinced, but hey, its all worth a try. I also realise exactly how ridiculous this sounds-but hey, at least i made you laugh right?! :)
Get yourself a giant sized stressball. Beat the crap out of it. Or get a punchbag.
I find kickboxing helps quite a lot.
Take your goldfish for a walk.
Think of things to add to this list and email The weirder the better!
dsesign an outfit
do something you love-doesnt matter what it is, as long as it makes you happy.
make some pretty cupcakes

ok you get the gist now.
I have a rule that i have to try and work through my list of distracting activities at least twice-if something doesnt work, move on, etc etc until you settle, before i can even consider doing something more destructive.

Its about developing strategies to distract yourself-the dreaded 'd' word.

you CAN do it. You just have to try REALLY hard.

take care xxx

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