
Please read this blog with care-its not inteneded to be triggering, but it does bluntly discuss issues surrounding Eating Disorders and Self Injury.

Thursday, 8 July 2010

Not so glamourous

Have you ever pondered why you always feel like you've got blocked nose and sinuses, if you have been purging lots?

Purge enough, on a regular basis, and thats not snot-its vomit. It drains in to your sinuses, irritates them from its acidity and blocks your nose up. Niiiiice.

Bet you never found that in a book or a pro site, eh?

take care


ps-it totally clears up after a long period without purging, bit its sooo unpleasant at the time.


mais said...

i just discovered your blog and all i can say is THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU. the world has been needing a blog like this and information like this for a long time. no one ever tells you the dirty bits about eating disorders, like what the do when the shower backs up, or how to cope when you are trying to recover but aren't there yet, how to save your teeth when you can't stop purging. it's the stuff i spend hours researching but barely finding on the internet and when i do i am hesitant to trust it.

so again, THANK YOU.
keep writing, PLEASE! :D

xx x

Eating Disorder Fairy said...


im really happy to know that this is helping. Its REALLY hard to find info about this sort of thing-if eating disorders are dirty secrets themselves, then this stuff, well its pretty much blacklist, yknow?

if theres anything you'd like us to write about-or if you would like to write something for us yourself, just let us know:)

im one of the girls who writes this blog-and i was thinking that it was a bit pointless, peolple are just giving us grief-but what you said makes it worth it.thankyou


jessica anne said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
i love bows:) said...

thanks babe, im going to repost that if you dont mind!:) xxx