
Please read this blog with care-its not inteneded to be triggering, but it does bluntly discuss issues surrounding Eating Disorders and Self Injury.

Tuesday, 6 July 2010

thoughts on diet pills....

They dont work. Well, ok, they do-but only maybe, possibly if your BMI is significantly over 26. BECAUSE THAT IS WHAT THEY ARE DESIGNED FOR.

Other than that, they wont do a thing.Fact. They screw up your inside, give you terrible stomach upsets (most of them work on the basis that they block fat absortion by the body, and you end up pooing it out. which aint all that nice.and you lose all control over not kidding), and make you ill. And poor.

Hang around for too long in holland and barrett, or other 'health' shops (i use ' for a reason) looking at diet aids and you will get banned from the shop.This has happened to several people i know, and is v embaressing. Similary, dont bother trying to buy them from chemists, as when you get to the checkouts, staff are trained to redirct you to the pharmacist, who will check your BMI is high enough before they sell them to you. Buy them on the internet, and your probably just buying sugar pills.oh the irony.

summing it up-dont even bother going there.

take care xxx


StrugglingGirl said...

I bought some diet pills off out of the chemist, they really worked for about a month, then they didn't. But also if you get really depressed and get suscribed certain tablets that im on, they completely take away your appetite.
Kinda nice :) but also slightly worrying sometimes because my body doesnt even think of food anymore.
I guess my doctor suscribed them because I am just SO FAT that it doesn't really matter if I dont eat :/

Yeh, you are 100% right about buying tablets from the internet BAD IDEA.

Hope you are ok

Star~ x

Eating Disorder Fairy said...

its rubbish, but antidepressents do that, take away your appeteite sometimes. I think in order to get better, you almost need to ignore this. Someone who has had a significant ED for a longtime will have lost the ability to distinguish feelings of hunger and full-because you block them all. So what you need to try and do is 'eat by the clock', regardless, until these feelings start to return.

i can tell you for sure-your doc did nit not describe you antidepressants because he thought you were fat.And you know that to, its just hard to see it a lot of the time. I do understand love.

Take all the care in the world
